Friday 15 October 2010

Codes and Conventions of a Double Page Spread

  • Larger image covering full page - sometimes bleeds between pages (links two pages together).
  • Drop capitals - show reader where to start.
  • Standfirst introduces the article and is positioned under the headline. Contains journaslist's name and credits the photographer.
  • Other techniques: bold text, slightly bigger typesize, capitals for the first few words.
  • Quotes are taken out of the article and enlarged somewhere on the pages, this can be a form of seperating blocks of text. Also, they can be placed in the headline, on the picture or in the standfirst.
  • Laid out in columns, always 2 to 4. It is only occasionally when it is set out in 2 columns.
  • Simple colour scheme (kept to a minimum).
  • Headline of the article.
  • Name of the artist who the article is about.
  • If the article is an interview, photograph is a studio photo.
  • Sometime the picure is across the whole DPS with all text on the picture.
  • Headline sometimes uses stylised fonts.
  • Used to draw the reader in, but don't state what the article is about.
  • By line - who wrote the article/photographer's credit.
  • Strapline at the top - subject matter of the article.
  • The article is usually written informally and the personlity of the journalist comes through.

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