Friday 1 October 2010

Analysing a Contents Page

    In the top left hand corner, there is an image of the front cover of the magazine followed by an editor's letter which includes what is in the specific issue of the magazine, it help to give another insight into the main feature article.
     'Contents' is written in a bright colour on a dark background to stand out. Underneath it, the issue date and number is displayed. This is typical to all magazines.
     The images are organised in a structured grid method. The page number and a brief description of each feature is written underneath the picture to anchor the image to the feature articles.
     The page is set out into 4 columns, and unlike most magazines, the list of contents are on the right hand side of the page rather than the left hand side. The contents are separated into sections like 'features', 'live reviews', 'news' and 'album reviews'. This makes it a lot easier for the reader to find what they are looking for in the magazine.
     On the left hand side of the page, the photographer of the front cover image is credited. This occurs in all magazines.
     Subscription details are also placing underneath the contents. They are placed here as it would be easy to see. Also, it is placed on a red background to stand out from the rest of the page which uses a red background.

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